
[Track #052] Draw for 4'33''

location: Saguenay region, Quebec, Canada | time: afternoon, July 4, 2018 | ambient: art studio, attic of an old wooden house | author: Nathalie Lavoie

"On Wednesday, July 4, 2018, in the afternoon, I was drawing sitting directly on the floor of my studio (at home) in the attic of an old wooden house. I live in the countryside in the Saguenay region (Quebec, Canada). It was very hot and humid outside and inside the house. And I was alone.
During this session in the workshop, I made five drawings with my eyes closed for 4'33" in homage to John Cage's musical piece 4'33" on Carta Manuscript paper for musicians. However, I don't remember which one I recorded the production"

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